Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art
colour life.
- John Lubbock
Visual Arts
Pre School
Art is part of the daily curriculum for our preschool students, and helps them grow in physical, social, cognitive, and emotional development. Arts and
craft activities encourage self-expression and decision-making while developing learners as creative, imaginative individuals, with an appreciation of the
arts who learn motor skills, through creativity and fun.
Elementary School
The elementary art curriculum focuses on integrating aesthetics, studio art, collaboration, and art history in an engaging, creative, and imaginative environment. Art history/aesthetic
visual discussions make frequent use of projected images. Students observe and discuss various aspects of the images, such as color, space, line, and form; how these images make them feel;
what they see; what they like and dislike. Studio projects relate to concepts covered in the visual presentation and discussion. While students work on their projects, images are displayed
for continuous reference.
Middle School
Middle School Art is a year one course to introduce students to a multitude of art media, improve their skills and confidence in their artistic expression, and expand
their ability to communicate about and critique art. Students will learn about art in a cultural context and understand the impact art has and has always had on society, in
communities as well as globally, in an age appropriate way.
High School
Art I/II is a beginning high school course for students to analyze, assess, and derive meaning from works of art, including their own, according to the elements and
principles of art and design. They’ll learn new art techniques, and add to their knowledge of art history and art movements, art terminology, and color theory. They’ll
study the role and development of the art in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting human diversity and social impact as it relates to the visual arts and artists, as
well as explore identity and create art to communicate their own meaning and intent.
Art III/IV is a more advanced high school course in which students will develop a portfolio and continue to foster creativity, self expression, confidence, and
self-discipline. There will be an emphasis on the perfection of art techniques and establishment of personal style, as they further expand their knowledge of art history and art
movements, art terminology, and color theory, as well as use critical thinking to assess and analyze works of art, including their own. Students will connect and apply what they learn
in Visual Arts to other art forms, subject areas, and careers. The goal is for them to develop competencies and creative skills in time and resource management, problem solving, and
communication that will contribute to lifelong learning and career skills.