AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School is a preschool through 12th grade Armenian educational community committed to challenging and supporting our students to excel in academic, athletic, and artistic realms.
Artemis Nazarian Preschool program is accredited by the Accrediting . . .
The elementary division, which encompasses Kindergarten through . . .
In middle school, students are exposed to programs designed to enrich their . . .
In addition to the college-preparatory instruction that takes place in high . . .
Armenian language, history, and culture play an important role in our school's educational programs.
Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Music are vital parts of our school’s curriculum for each and every student.
Our Athletics program utilizes physical education to teach positive habits and skills.
Student Support Services
At AGBU MDS, preparing our students for the future is at the heart of everything we do.
College Counseling
The college counseling office provides resources needed for the college search and application process.
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