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Middle School

Welcome to Sarkis & Seta Demirdjian
Middle School!

Whether you are continuing from Marie Manoogian Elementary School or joining us from elsewhere, we are excited to be part of your academic journey. Leaving elementary school can seem daunting, but our middle school program is designed to make the transition smooth while building a solid foundation for success in high school and beyond. In a safe and supportive environment, students are exposed to opportunities that help them figure out their interests, are entrusted with more responsibility, and are challenged with increased academic rigor. With various elective classes, clubs, and sports to choose from, something is available to encourage every student to thrive. 


To learn more about our middle school curriculum, click on any of the subject headers below or explore the comprehensive curriculum guide.


The Armenian program concentrates on fluent reading, comprehension, and vocabulary development in these years. Discussions of reading materials offer opportunities to improve student oral language, communication, as well as development of ideas and values for the enhancement of their national identity. Oral presentations and projects are based on Armenian traditions, customs, Armenian current issues and holidays. Armenian websites on the Internet are used to enrich and broaden students’ knowledge and interest in Armenian topics. Poetry recitation and dramatization of short stories provide special enrichment to the reading program. Teaching of grammar pursues the goal of improving the writing skills of students. Paragraph, short composition, journal writing, translation, outlining, note taking and book reports are components of the Armenian writing program in the middle school.


The Middle School English curriculum establishes a strong foundation for critical reading, literal and figurative comprehension, well-structured writing, and dialogic discussion. The curriculum is divided equally between English Language and English Literature. English Language is focused on the study of the technical aspects of language. A solid knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation provides the mechanical foundation for writing. Studies in English Language are being extended to include non-fiction text and journalistic writing. English Literature begins the students’ study of the classics through Greek mythology, period texts, poetry, and an introduction to Shakespeare. Aspects of text are considered in greater depth through exploration of figurative language, story structure, character development, and essay writing.

Social Sciences

The Social Sciences Department believes in the development of students’ understanding and appreciation of the historical, economic and social relevance of the events and institutions of the past and present, in order to be better able to relate to the present and prepare for the future. Further, courses offered by the department pursue the objective of developing a realistic and mature understanding of our lives and our world. It is our goal to also help guide students to appreciate the complexities of our community and the hopes and aspirations, as well as the challenges and difficulties that stimulate the actions of individuals and nations. Middle school students begin with Ancient History in the 6th Grade, followed by World History in 7th Grade, and conclude with U.S History in the 8th Grade.


The aim of the mathematics curriculum is to develop students’ analytical and reasoning skills. On every grade level, the math program emphasizes the understanding of mathematical knowledge in real-life situations. The major topics are taught in a sequence that facilitates the development of a sound mathematical foundation. An Honors track is available for motivated students, beginning with pre-algebra in 7th grade and leading to Advanced Placement Calculus in the senior year. Use of technology is integrated into the program. The teaching of math also intends to develop an appreciation of the role of mathematics in history, science, art, technology and modern living.


The science program provides students with the means to acquire an essential body of basic knowledge and necessary skills in order to develop a clear understanding of all the science subjects. Students learn to observe, question, infer, compare and categorize through a variety of classroom and laboratory activities. Throughout the program, the process of inquiry, use of the scientific method, and the development of critical thinking are emphasized. Demonstrations and hands-on experimentation in the laboratory further reinforce the concepts learned. All courses include contemporary topics and applications such as ecology, healthy living, environmental issues, careers in science fields, etc. An annual science fair offers opportunities to develop and display individual and group projects. Students also participate in county and state science competitions.


This is a three year long course that starts in 6th grade and ends in 8th grade. It addresses the following:  

  • Cloud computing and online collaboration 
  • Multimedia creation and editing 
  • Coding and programming 
  • Digital concepts 
  • Desktop publishing 
  • Data basis concepts and analysis (Excel and Google spreadsheets) 
  • Web design concepts (html & Google Sites) 
  • Graphic Design and Photo Editing (Photoshop)  
  • App creation and game development
Visual and Performing Arts 

Dance, Theatre, Visual Art and Music are vital parts of our school's curriculum. Each program provides opportunities to develop aesthetic literacy, participate in artistic performances and engage in cooperative learning experiences. The goal of the Visual and Performing Arts Department is to foster empathy, spark imagination and grow an appreciation and interest in the arts that transcends their time in school.

Physical Education

The basic premise of the school physical education program is that physical fitness is necessary for mental fitness and that it is an important component of children’s overall growth, health and development. Our school is equipped with indoor and outdoor facilities and a staff of coaches who teach as well as coach various sports games and teams. The physical education program promotes the development of student athletes. The program offers opportunities for confidence building, teamwork, decision-making and learning, and practicing sportsmanship. Participation in inter and intramural competitions is an integral part of the athletic program. Skills refinement, game strategies, and the understanding of rules pertaining to different sports games are taught during P.E. classes and coaching sessions. This promotes successful participation in the competitive sports that are part of the school program. Middle school teams compete in local leagues and participate in KAHAM games every year, competing with teams from other Armenian schools in Southern California.

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