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Community Involvement

Our Involvement

At AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School there are many ways for our students to get involved, give back, and serve in leadership capacities. Recent highlights include the virtual interviews by the Journalism Club, a virtual showcase produced by Student Council, and fundraisers by the Helping People Through Arts Club to support Armenian communities in Artsakh and Armenia.Read on to learn more about the bevy opportunities available.

Student Clubs

Student-led clubs provide an educational environment where the spirit of volunteerism and community involvement are encouraged and celebrated. The student body organizes clubs, advised by members of the faculty, around a wide variety of interests in academics, health, international affairs, social responsibility, the arts, and beyond. Throughout the year, these clubs participate in fundraisers, competitions, and meetings.

Student Publications

Since 2008, our School Yearbook has been entirely handled by our highschool students who, with the guidance of their yearbook advisor and Yearbook Inc., have been producing every inch of the book from taking photos, to writing copy, designing layouts, and coming up with unique themes and concepts. 

Our students also have the opportunity to put their journalism skills to use with our monthly newsletter, the DHS Digest. Each month students highlight the major happenings in Middle & High School! 

Student Council

Student Council is a big part of the middle and high school experience, and provides students with a platform to take initiative and make a difference in their school community, in a leadership capacity. Student Council Members are elected by the student body each year. Students also have the opportunity to apply to become class representatives beginning in the 6th grade. 

We Prepare Students For Success In Life

We Prepare Students For Success In Life